Page:The fables of Aesop, as first printed by William Caxton in 1484, with those of Avian, Alfonso and Poggio. Vol 2.djvu/326

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cauſe one of them demaunded two partes after thexygence of her werke / And that other the half after theyre perſones / eche of them ſhewynge dyuerſly theyr reſons / that one ſayeng that ſhe hadde ſuffred hym twyes to doo his pleaſyr / and that other pretended / that ſhe was redy and in her was no defawte  And ſoo fro wordes they came to ſtrokes and cratchyng with naylys / and drawynge theyr here / in ſo moche that theyr neyghbours came to this batayll for to departe them / And alſo of theyr owne and propre huſbondes / not knowynge the cauſe of theyr ſtryf and debate / eche of them defendynge his wyues cauſe / And fro the fyghtynge of the wymmen hit aroos and came to theyr huſbondes with buffettis and caſtynge of ſtones / ſoo longe that men ranne bytwene them / And after the cuſtomme of Rome bothe the huſbondes were brought to pryſon berynge enemyte eche to other / & knewe no thynge the cauſe wherfore / The ſayd cloth is ſette in the handes of the wymen ſecretely yet not departed / but is ſecretely argued amonge the wymmen in what wyſe that this mater ſhal be deuyded / And I demaunde of doctoures what the lawe is of it

¶ He fayeth alſo that a marchaunt of Florence bought an hors of a man / and made his couenaunt