Page:The fables of Aesop, as first printed by William Caxton in 1484, with those of Avian, Alfonso and Poggio. Vol 2.djvu/70

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¶ The xvj fable is of the mule and of the flye.

SOmme maken gretemenaces / whiche haue no myghte / ¶ Wherof Eſope reherceth ſuche a fable / ¶ Of a carter / whiche ladde a Charyot or carte / whiche a Mule drewe forthe / And by cauſe the Mule wente not faſt ynough / the flye ſayd to the Mule / Ha a payllart Mule / why gooſt thow not faſter / I ſhalle ſoo egrely pryke the / that I ſhalle make the go lyghtely / ¶ And the Mule anſwered to the flye / God kepe and preſerue the mone for the wolues / For I haue ne grete drede ne fere of the / But I drede and doubte ſore my mayſter / whiche is vpon me / whiche conſtrayneth me to fulfylle his wylle / ¶ And more I oughte to drede and doubte hym more / than the / whiche arte nought / and of no valewe ne myght / ¶ And thus men ought not to gette by ne double[errata 1] them / whiche haue no myght ne that ben of no valewe

  1. Correction: double should be amended to doubte: detail