Page:The food of the gods, and how it came to earth.djvu/334

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Macmillan and Co.'s shank, have also a place in the Library. The attention of book buyers may be es- pecially directed to The Border Edition of the Waverley Novels, edited by Mr. Andrew Lang, which, with its large type and convenient form, and its copious illus- trations by well-known artists, possesses features which place it in the forefront of editions now obtainable of the famous novels. The Works of Mr. Thomas Hardy, in- cluding the poems, have also been recently added to the Three-and-Sixpenny Library. Among other works by notable contem- porary- authors will be fomd those of Mr. F. Marion Crawford, Rolf Boldrewood, Mr. H. G. Wells, Gertrude Atherton, Mr. Egerton Castle, Mr. A. E. W. Mason, Maarten Maartens, and Miss Rosa Nou- chette Carey; while among the prodtictions of an earlier period may be mentioned the works tf/" Charles Kingsley, Frederick Deni- son Maurice, Thomas Hughes, and Dean Farrar; and the novels and tales ^/Charlotte M. Yonge, Mrs. Craik, and Mrs. Oliphant.