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Three-and-Sixpenny Library 3 THE WORKS OF THACKERAY Reprints of the First Editions, with all the Original Illustrations, and with Facsimiles of Wrappers, etc. Messrs. MACMILLAN & Co., Limited, beg leave to invite the attention of book buyers to the Edition of THE WORKS OF THACKERAY in their Three-and-Sixpenny Library, which, when finished, will be the Completest Edition of the Author's Works which has been placed on the market. The Publishers have been fortunate in securing the services of Mr. LEWIS MELVILLE, the well-known Thackeray Expert. With his assistance they have been able to include in this Edition a great number of scattered pieces from Thackeray's pen, and illus- trations from his pencil which have not hitherto been contained in any collected edition of the works. Mr. Melville has read all the sheets as they passed through the press, and collated them carefully with the original editions. He has also provided Biblio- graphical Introductions and occasional Footnotes. List of the Series. VOL. 1. Vanity Fair. With 190 Illustrations. 2. The History of Pendennis. With 180 Illustrations. 3. The Newcomes. With 167 Illustrations. . The History of Henry Esmond. 5. The Virginians. With 148 Illustrations. 6. Barry Lyndon and Catherine. With 4 Illustrations. 7. The Pans and Irish Sketch Books. With 63 Illustrations.