Page:The future of Africa.djvu/210

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address on laying the corner-stone

you so magnify these undoubted miracles that when their distinct and characteristic marks vanish, the Church of God sinks to a lower and utterly diverse manifestation of Divine power, so that she is confined to the outward signs of miracles for her interpretation of these large and glorious promises? And do their external, visible characteristics, sever us of these modern times entirely from these mighty works of our Lord? Or do you suppose that because the outward and visible sign of these wonders is denied us in this age, that therefore Christ is not still fulfilling the very same promise in this naughty world to the discomfiture of sin and Satan? Surely this is the last place in the world for any such unbelief. Here, or indeed anywhere else on heathen ground, where Satan has established Ins kingdom, but where the Holy Spirit has lifted up "an effectual banner" against him in Christian missions, we do indeed see "devils cast out;" we see the sick reclaimed from feebleness through the renovating agencies of a new faith; we see Christian converts outrunning, in all the respects of strength of virtue and intelligence, all their heathen kin; we see a power scattering the darkness and disseverance of thousands diverse and inferior tongues, and by Christian philosophy, and the energy and diffusion of the Christian English tongue, reverting the confusion of Battel into the harmony of goodly brotherhood and love. If we cannot believe all this, are we prepared to attribute these gracious results to some oilier influence than Christ Jesus'? Are we willing to believe that there is another power in this world besides that of JESUS to do good to the bodies