Page:The future of Africa.djvu/211

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of st. mark's hospital.

and souls of men? And is it indeed the case that Christians cannot have the faith that great as were the miracles of Christ, "that greater works than these "were to be done by His people?

Surely none of us are prepared for such a concession as this. "While, indeed, granting that the age of miracles has departed, we claim that the gracious and saving power of Jesus is still the heritage of Christ's people. If the wonder-making phase of miracles has gone, their restorative and compassionate features are still continued by our Lord, in this sinful world. For Jesus Christ came upon earth, and took upon Him our flesh, for this very purpose of good and blessedness to man. He came to touch man with a saving power, and therefore He took our bodily nature upon Him, not to touch and heal men for the brief period of His earthly stay among men, but unto the world's end; and therefore, if we would trace to its source the beneficence which we see around us, in the restored bodies of men, we must recognize the healing power of our Lord still exerted for good, although it comes to us by the agency of our fellow-creatures, and is exerted through the art and skill and genius of man. When the woman in the Scriptures took hold of the garment of the Saviour, He instantly declared that "virtue had gone out of Him." The very touch sent forth healing efficacy. So now healing still continues to go out from His body—His touch still works a curative influence. That glorious body on the right hand of the Father still gives forth a power to repair, a health and life-giving energy, a healing influence, to weak and wretched men.