Page:The future of Africa.djvu/230

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the relations and duties of

from but a slight fringe of the coast, while the rich interior yields, as yet, but a reluctant hold upon the vast and various treasures it possesses. And third, that such is the mysterious secrecy American and English houses retain and enjoin upon this subject, that even approximation to the facts of the ease is remote and distant.

The following table is an attempt to classify valuable products and articles of present trade. Nearly every article mentioned has come under my own personal inspection; the exceptions are not over a dozen and a half:

Nuts Dyes and Dyewood Gums and Wax Animals
Palm Nut. Camwood. Beeswax. Oxen.
Ground Nut. Barwood. Grove Tree. Sheep
Cocoa Nut. Indigo. India Rubber. Hogs.
Cola Nut. Christmas Nut. Gutta Percha. Goats.
Castor Nut. And divers other Copal. Fowls.
colors, blue, Mastic. Ducks.
red, yellow, and Senegal. Pigeons.
Skins. Grains. Fruits. Vegetables.
Bullock. Rice. Oranges. Yams.
Sheep. Maize. Lemons. Cassada.
Deer. Millet. Plantains. Potatoes.
Monkey. Bananas. Tan yah.
Leopard. Citrons.
Gazelle. Limes.
Squirrel. Guavas.
Raccoon. Pineapples.
Lion. Pawpaw.
Mango Plums.
Alligator Pear.
Bread Nut.