Page:The future of Africa.djvu/231

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free colored men in america to africa.
Timber. Minerals. Special articles
connected with trade
and domestic use.
Teak. Iron. Sugar-Cane. Mackerel.
Ebony. Copper. Coffee. Mango Perch.
Lignum Vitæ. Gold. Cocoa. Cavalla.
Mahogany. Pepper. Gripper.
Brimstone. Cotton. Herring.
Rosewood. Tobacco. Mullet.
Walnut. Chub.
Hickory. Perch.
Oak. Perch.
Cedar. Pike.
Unevah. Trout.
Mangrove. Cod.

I cannot dismiss these tables without a few remarks relative to some few prominent items they enumerate; I mean the Palm Nut and Oil, Cotton, Indian Corn, and Sugar-Cane.

Palm Oil.—This article, more than any other West African product, shows the rapidity with which legitimate commerce has sprung up on the coast of Africa. A few years ago palm oil was an insignificant item in the coast trade.[1] Now it is an article which commands whole fleets of sailing vessels, seeks the auxiliary aid of steamers, and affects most powerfully the commerce of England, France, and the United States.

I copy several items pertaining to this export from

  1. In 1808, the quantity imported into England was only 200 (two hundred) tons.