Page:The genius - Carl Grosse tr Joseph Trapp 1796.djvu/227

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Don Fernandos di Albengha was a warm and jovial companion, the soul of our company for an uninterrupted flow of chearfulness and good spirits, but very little endowed with what is called real wit.

In this company I spent near four weeks at Toledo, in the most select fashionable circles, among balls, routes and masquerades. At night we frequently gave suppers, at which nothing but jollity and good fellowship presided.

We had hopes of continuing much longer in this gay sphere of elegant life, but some unforeseen accidents intervening, made us accelerate our departure to Paris. The cool and saturnine character of Don Bernardos, grew so hot at a ball, probably owing to something mixed in his wine, that he picked a quarrel with a nobleman, fought and mortally wounded him in a duel, and was obliged to fly to France, where we promised to join him.