Page:The genius - Carl Grosse tr Joseph Trapp 1796.djvu/228

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The Count contracted an intrigue with an Italian actress; and Don Fernandos and I formed a connexion with two ladies, each of whom insisting on being married to her gallant, found means to involve us in so many disagreeable situations, as obliged us at last to take French leave of them, to get rid of their importunities, which began to grow dangerous.

A short time previous to this denouement of our farce, the following occurrence happened, at the remembrance of which I still must tremble. In our nightly excursions, we were wont to leave Don Fernandos with our mistresses, and about midnight I took with the count an airing through the fields, after which we returned to town. On those occasions we used to concert the plans of our next day's amusement, and I frequently talked very freely before the count, Don Bernardos, (while he still was with