Page:The genius - Carl Grosse tr Joseph Trapp 1796.djvu/273

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friend too much to seek any farther to supplant him in the affections of this changeable female, and bore the effects of my luckless passion with silent murmurs against my untoward fate. During this double contest to conquer my fondness, and to preserve the esteem of my friend, a contest, which lasted five or six months, the count treated me with cold reserve, avoided my company, and ceased to honor me with his confidence. This made me demand an explicit declaration from Caroline, which being given in favour of my rival, I abjured my love, and declaring my real sentiments to him, terminated with regaining his former friendship. We continued as before, to visit the gay circles, and as I told him, that I would return to Spain, after making a tour through some of the French provinces, he promised to accompany me till his marriage, which his bride did not wish to have solemnized for some months to come.

Fernandos and Bernardos continued to share our pleasures, which now began to extend to every kind of dissipation, The ex-