Page:The genius - Carl Grosse tr Joseph Trapp 1796.djvu/274

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pences attending high-life-excesses, beginning to incroach too much on our pecuniary resources, we resolved to dismiss our equipages and all superfluous menial servants, that we might have the more money to bestow upon such amusements as struck our fancy. This appearance of plainness served to introduce us among the lower spheres of people, whose manner of living is not the least fertile in merriment.

Being one night at a masqued ball, we retired at a late hour to one of the lodges adjoining the ball-room to take some refreshments. Rather fatigued with the manifold" sports and intrigues, which predominate on such occasions, it was our intention to remain together in that place, and have some chearful conversation over the sparkling champaign till approaching day-light should put a stop to our libations, and make us retire. The topic having insensibly led me on the Mystic Cabal, I confidentially recounted to my friends, the appearance of my genius Amanuel on Elmira's flight. During my story, the majority of the masks had withdrawn from