Page:The genius - Carl Grosse tr Joseph Trapp 1796.djvu/275

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the ball-room, and only a few of them were at times seen to pass by our table from one room into another. All was attention to my tale, and the eyes of my shuddering companions were immoveably fixed on my lips.

Towards the conclusion, the Duke of M** who was one of our party, suddenly exclaimed with enthusiastic eagerness, "I wish Don Carlos, I could once see your genius!"—At this moment the company was augmented by one mask, drest in a white domino, who advancing behind the Duke's chair whispered into his ear, "Here he is!" The looks of the whole company, who had overheard the stranger were now waiting for the confirmation of this apparition in my countenance, and a deadly paleness immediately afforded it.

The mask, in a peculiar manner opened his cloak,—and indeed I felt it was Amanuel.

Seeing me thus agitated, Dons Fernandos and Bernardos sallied forth to seize the stranger, who, as nimble as a deer, lost himself among the company in the adjoining supper--