Page:The genius - Carl Grosse tr Joseph Trapp 1796.djvu/276

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rooms, and eluded all farther pursuit, which, notwithstanding the activity of my friends, and a duration of near two hours, was completely frustrated.

After a stay of six months longer in the metropolis of France I set out with the two above mentioned friends to range in quest of adventure through several French provinces, and Count Selami accompanied us as far as Orleans, where taking leave of me and my companions, he expressed his hopes of seeing us again in Spain, whither he likewise meditated to retire some time after his marriage with Caroline.


From Orleans we went to Montpellier, and so fertile in accidents and amorous intrigues was this tour, that it would alone take up a volume to describe them. Many a little town, many a village and hamlet, saw us depart with regret, especially the females, whose relations we had wantonly flattered