Page:The genius - Carl Grosse tr Joseph Trapp 1796.djvu/282

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sensibility to be happy in love, and strove therefore to stifle it in embryo.

Meanwhile we arrived in the village, and alighted to take some refreshment. Enquiring of the landlord the name and family of the owner of the castle, and finding his account to be the same as that which we had obtained of the servant, I sent the following note to Count Giraumont:

"My Lord.

"The Marquis de Grandez, who is now on his way through this village, had once the honor to form an acquaintance with a certain Chevalier de Giraumont, at Alcantara. Supposing him to be of your lordship's family, the Marquis makes bold, to ask the favor of paying a visit at the castle."

"A Mons. Le Comte de Giraumont."

The servant was not many minutes gone, before he returned with one of the count's servants, who delivered a formal invitation from his master for me and my friends to