Page:The genius - Carl Grosse tr Joseph Trapp 1796.djvu/283

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come to the castle. The same messenger also acquainted the landlord, that the count had given him orders to remove our horses and luggage from the inn. The landlord came into us, and shaking his head, said, "you must indeed be well recommended to his lordship, for I never knew him treat any gentleman with such civility."

I received the invitation with a kind of rapture, and was going to change my dress, when I found the servants had already carried off our portmanteaus. -I was therefore obliged to go in a plain green hunting dress, with my hair, which in my hurry I had forgotten to adjust, hanging rather wildly about my face, Fernandos perceived my embarrassment, "What vanity, Don Carlos!" cried he, "but let me assure you to your comfort you never looked better than you now do."

Arrived at the castle, a gentleman, who seemed to be the count's secretary, received us with every mark of respect, and leading us into a parlour, said he would soon introduce us to his lordship, who was still dressing up-