Page:The genius - Carl Grosse tr Joseph Trapp 1796.djvu/301

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my hand, kissed it, and said, "My career is terminated, thanks to Don Carlos and his friends!"

This sentence overwhelmed me with the bitterest sensations. Alfonso had always loved me, and I had had numberless proofs of his unshaken attachment to my person. As my Genius, he had extricated me from a thousand dangers, and if he accompanied me by command of the formidable covenant, I was too little acquainted with the latter, to impute it to Alfonso as a crime. All the scenes of the past now rushed upon my fancy. My incomparable Elmira was revived in my mind; it was no doubt Alfonso, who had led me to the possession of that invaluable treasure of a woman. In short, he had been the constant companion of all the struggles, storms, and dangers of my perplexed life.

"The next thing that struck me, were the emotions of Adela, She had watched us from the beginning of the catastrophe at a distance, and hastened to join us during the fatal combat, She now conjured the sur-