Page:The genius - Carl Grosse tr Joseph Trapp 1796.djvu/302

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geons to employ all their skill, to prolong the life of their agonizing patient at least for some hours, and determined to profit by this respite, to satisfy the thirst of her inquisitive mind, she was more busily employed about him than all the rest of us. What she knew of my history, was a mere problem to her sceptic mind, and she now waited its solution.

The great debility of Alfonso, the profuse loss of blood, and the extreme pain which he felt, had occasioned three successive swoons; each time he had a desire to speak to us. After fainting the third time; he fell into a soft slumber, from which, the surgeons assured us, it would be fatal to rouse him. At their request I ordered all the servants and attendants to withdraw, and leaving the patient to the care of Adela and Bernardos, I followed Fernandos, who had beckoned me to speak to him in private.