Page:The genius - Carl Grosse tr Joseph Trapp 1796.djvu/310

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stancy and virtues will, I hope, never vary. Circumstances have induced me to put her sidelity to the test; I have tried the experiment, and must alone bear the cost. I overheard Bernardos, in a secret conversation, tell his confidential servant, that he would certainly kill the presumptuous man, who had dared to rival the affections of his friend. Attempting to prevent the mischief, I watched his motions at the place of rendezvous, and in saving Fernandos's life, lost my own by the latter's hands. Adela has proved herself worthy of my nephew, the accident has made Fernandos repent his error, and I trust, that my unmerited fate will confirm Bernardos in his attachment to the duties of friendship, and make him detest all perfidy and dissimulation under the mask of domestic familiarity.

"As to my Carlos, he has entertained false notions respecting the motives which guide the Cabal, for I was at its head, and introduced him into its bosom. To make him great, without promoting his virtue and his happiness, could never have been my