Page:The genius - Carl Grosse tr Joseph Trapp 1796.djvu/311

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intention. I was master of the circumstances, but accidents I could not control, On your account contentions have arisen among our brethren; I have saved Elmira; and the deceitful female who wanted to usurp her place, has perished by the measures I took, I kept you out of Spain, Carlos, as soon as I found the majority of my brethren against you. The ficiitious murder was doubtless their own contrivance. Don Pedro had sworn your ruin, and Francisca was to accomplish ir. This Don Pedro was a traitor, he is now gone; your friends and mine have the majority in the Cabal, and you risk nothing to return among your brethren."

"My dear uncle!" exclaimed I sobbing.

"You need not be afraid, Carlos," returned he: "you are among friends and confidants. Make them acquainted with the value of our mystic society, when you shall once be fully penetrated with its real spirit. Though I have not gained the falutary cnd of my painful and laborious carcer, yet all my existence has been devoted to extricate you from the multifarious dangers in which your