Page:The genius - Carl Grosse tr Joseph Trapp 1796.djvu/318

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suspicion of so precious a deposit being concealed in the place, thought it worthy of his beneficence to afford a temporary home to a poor menial, who found himself destitute of a home, and incapacitated by disease from seeking one at a time, when his master's mansion was sold to a stranger. Strong as my suspicion was, I had no prospect of redress, and was consequently obliged to put up with my severe loss. The history of Don Diego's life would have been far more agreeable to me, than the bequest of his property at Seville, which was legally confirmed to me, on the deposition made by Count Selami and Don Bernardos, in whose presence he had constituted me his heir.

On searching the villa, I discovered several secret passages and communications, which my Genius could have used with safety for the execution of his plans, Since my Antonio's death the garden had been neglected, not a single favorite spot remained to put me in mind of my past happiness, and the very streamlet I used to strew with rose leaves, was choaked up with mire.