Page:The genius - Carl Grosse tr Joseph Trapp 1796.djvu/319

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It was as if every thing warned me to prepare for new important events. I insensibly began to indulge my former melancholy, and Adela being naturally inclined to it, contributed all she could to its progress. Her ideas of the Mystic Cabal seemed to be more enlarged, and the grave Bernardos, always in deep study, flattered her with a speedy accomplishment of her wishes. Had it not been for Adela, I would never have returned to the society of my brethren; and if I did, it was only that she might likewise be made a member.

One morning, Bernardos, with uncommon cheerfulness, informed us, that it was his intention to introduce us both to the Covenant in the evening of the next day, My spouse almost fainted for joy, and each beat of her heart loudly expressed the eagerness of her sanguine expectation.

The long-wished hour arrived, and we all _three ser out on horseback, and traversed the awful forest. I pointed out Jago's hovel to Adela, and though a lively picture of past occurrences renewed itself in my mind, yet I