Page:The genius - Carl Grosse tr Joseph Trapp 1796.djvu/322

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she often praised and extolled. Bernardos's uncommon efforts to please Adela and wholly to engross her regard at this fete, could not therefore but give me umbrage. Every trait of levity which my wife had formerly displayed in her conduct, every weak moment of hers, now powerfully returned to my mind. The solemnities of the night appeared to me like a miserable farce, and my imagination was utterly distracted. Rosalia's modest and touching deportment heightened my confusion, and renewed the bitterest recollections. I felt my face as cold as ice, and it seemed as if all the blood were thronging back to my heart; the starting tear now engaged the eyes of every marvelling bye-stander, especially those of Rosalia, This only served to overwhelm me entirely, I began to totter, threw myself on a seat, and immediately fainted.

Some drops of water, sprinkled in my face, soon made me recover my senses. Every body was eager to lend me his assistance, and Rosalia stood the foremost to hasten to my relief, I anxiously looked out for Adela, and found her at a good distance from me, by