Page:The genius - Carl Grosse tr Joseph Trapp 1796.djvu/323

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the side of Bernardos, or rather leaning on him, and quite lost in deep conversation. She had not even taken notice of my indisposition, and being ultimately told of it, cast such a cold look upon me, as fully benumbed my affection. It certainly was an instance of unpardonable neglect, all my pride was excited, and I resolved to make her expiate the unkindness of her conduct. "Is this the same Adela," said I to myself, "who bore me in her heart before she knew me? Who, that sees her now, can say she is the same?"

The mystic ceremonies being ended, my indignation was wound up to the highest pitch, by the continual indifference of Adela, who feigning to be perfectly ignorant of what had happened to me, went on whispering to Bernardos and favoring him exclusively with her conversation, probably with a design of curing me in this manner of all jealousy, or preparing for an explanation after our return home.

Poor woman! How little was she acquainted with my real character? It would have been easier to tame a furious lion than me in