Page:The genius - Carl Grosse tr Joseph Trapp 1796.djvu/436

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him. After a short explanation, and the surgeon's representing it as dangerous to remove Adela, the commanding officer not only consented to her staying behind, but even had the politeness to permit Caroline to keep her company. As a measure of safety he, however, made a serjeant's guard remain in the house trill our return. In similar cases justice is so strictly administered at Venice, that the magistrates will not only consecrate the day, but even the night to the exercise of their functions. The pretor, who was owner of the house we rented, and to whom we had been strongly recommended by one of the first senators of the republic, as men of quality, heard our story with great attention, and was so far satisfied, as to dismiss us on condition of giving our word of honor to make our appearance as soon as we should be called upon again. To this we readily submitted, and thanking him for the confidence which he was pleased to repose in us, we returned home under a proper safe-guard. The body of Jago was left at a neighbouring bone-house