Page:The genius - Carl Grosse tr Joseph Trapp 1796.djvu/437

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to be owned, but much to our surprise the account of the business which appeared in public the next day, was so black, that nobody claimed the deceased except his landlord, who represented him as a stranger, of whom he knew nothing, but that he stood indebted to him for the hire of some apartments he had occupied for about a fortnight. The purse of gold was left in the pocket of the deceased, so that not the least suspicion of crime could fall upon us. His lodgings, we understand, were opened and searched the next day, and nothing found in them except a few clothes. On our arrival at home, the officer withdrew the guard. Adela and Caroline were transported with joy at the favorable issue of the affair, which, considering that we were foreigners, might naturally have induced the magistrate to detain us in custody till farther enquiries should have been made to clear up so serious a case.

"Thanks to Providence, Don Carlos!" exclaimed Adela, "that thy repentant wife has atoned for her wrongs by saving thy life and that of thy friend, and by haying become