Page:The genius - Carl Grosse tr Joseph Trapp 1796.djvu/442

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"Rosalia was punctual to the minute, and we received her with transports of joy and gratitude. The amiable creature was so ingenuous as to confess to us her former frail ties, and the reasons that had made her break the tyrannic shackles of the odious Cabal. Its insidious councils were again swayed by your enemies, and all those who were friendly to the principles of your uncle, had withdrawn from it. She was present at the meeting of the society, in which it was resolved to send out emissaries to Italy to assassinate you and your friend.

"This atrocious project gave the last shock to poor Rosalia's outraged humanity. She now represented to me, in the most forcible manner, the necessity of my going to the governor of Alcantara to give information to have them secured at their next nightly conventicle, which she knew was to be holden in the night between the fifteenth and sixteenth of the same month. It was her opinion, that the seizure of their persons or papers would be of the last importance to the general interest of the State, and she promised to give