Page:The genius - Carl Grosse tr Joseph Trapp 1796.djvu/443

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all the assistance in her power to effect that salutary end.

"I vowed the strictest obedience to her orders. After dinner she went out with us to shew us the inn, where Jago and the two other emissaries of the Cabal were to arrive in the evening to set out for Italy, charged with the execution of the terrible plan, early on the ensuing morning. And so faithful a description did she give of their shape, figure, and dress, as to render any mistake on my part utterly impossible.

"After our return, we prevailed on Rosalia to make our house her own, till the final accomplishment of our enterprize, or as much longer as she pleased. In the evening Caroline and I, in the disguise of French officers, went again to the inn. About nine o'clock, Jago and his ruffian companions arrived in a travelling chaise, whom we recognized without the least difficulty. We ordered supper in an apartment adjoining to that which they occupied. The doors of each room being left open, we had an opportunity of overhearing the greater part of their discourse, in which