Page:The genius - Carl Grosse tr Joseph Trapp 1796.djvu/449

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and a subaltern were wounded. The ministry well satisfied with this exploit, voted their thanks to his excellency, and the force under his command in the most honorable and flattering terms. And I have good reason to believe, that, comprising Jago, all your cruel enemies are cut off, except the two nefarious companions of the former, who escaped our vengeance by flight. The hateful dungeon of our sorrows is made even with the ground, and a military station has replaced the ruinated pile, to prevent other traitors from assembling on its warning level.

"On our arrival at Venice, we, at first, found some difficulty to discover the place of your abode, but on making application to the police-office to inspect the list containing the names of all the foreigners recently arrived, we not only saw in it those of the Marquis de Grandez and Count Selami, but also of Don Jago de Proveros, Spanish noblemen. We paid a visit to the latter, who seemed highly pleased at seeing us again. I immediately employed several bravos to watch all his movements and those of his companions. I