Page:The genius - Carl Grosse tr Joseph Trapp 1796.djvu/450

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also had the good fortune to devote to our interest Jago's interpreter, a native of France, who had formerly been in my father's service at Montpellier. It was he, who afforded me the most essential aid in the prevention of the murder.

"I must confess, that Caroline and I were not a little chagrined, at observing in our disguise, the levities of your conduct. But you will pardon us, if we check so often the progress of those gallantries and intrigues, which your sex presumes to have an exclusive right to punish in frail woman, while they deem themselves above the duties of reciprocity, It was I who spilt the poisoned liquor, which the bravoes of the dutchess de F** had found means to infuse into the bowl at the coffee-house. One of these bravoes was at the same time in our pay, and for 500 zechins he betrayed the trust reposed in him by his first vindictive employer. Still a thousand dangers threaten you on the part of that irritated vindictive woman, and they will haunt you wherever you go, unless we speedily quit Venice. But—"