Page:The genius - Carl Grosse tr Joseph Trapp 1796.djvu/46

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It was long before she recovered her reason. She ran for help; the body was diligently rubbed and warmed; but no art could bring back the ethereal spirit to its deserted mansion. The great heat of the weather soon filled the place with the offensive symptoms that follow dissolution, and after paying the solemn obsequies to her memory, the last requiem was chanted, and her remains committed to the family-vault.

Who can conceive my condition, that has not felt it? What language can describe the situation of a wretch, who at the moment he tastes supreme happiness, is hurled down into the deepest abyss of sorrow, suffering, and despair? Isolated, widowed, for ever separated from all I hold dear, in the fever of my delirious brain, I made many an attempt to rid myself of that being which was now insupportable; but the hand which spins and cuts off the thread of human life, arrested mine, by the vigilance of my keepers. It was in vain for me to seek destruction in every breath; fate had decreed that I should live.