Page:The genius - Carl Grosse tr Joseph Trapp 1796.djvu/47

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At this trying period, my faithful Alfonso was of great service to me. The moment he heard of the danger I was in, he flew, forgetting his own recovery, to my assistance. He never lost sight of me, and studied every remedy to dispel the melancholy of my deep-diseased mind.

The first thing he did, during the paroxysms of my delirium, was, to detach me from every object, which at the lucid intervals of returning reason, could have reminded me of my loss. Without any mental perception as I was for several days, he could do with me as he pleased. With proper assistance, he provided a carriage, and drove me to an adjacent Villa of my father's, whom he apprised of my misfortune. The latter with all our family came to comfort and cheer me; a thousand schemes were tried to make me recover some part of my former gaiety, but sorrow was too deeply rooted in my bosom, to be plucked out by