Page:The genius - Carl Grosse tr Joseph Trapp 1796.djvu/79

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tell me, one among them less bounteous than I? But I was sensible, when I first saw thee among us, of what might be the surest way to bind thy affections. How infinitely did I love thee, standing with manly firmness before thy judges, bidding defiance to the terrors of death, and fearing no other judge than thy conscience? How did thy Rosalia tremble for thee as thou refusedst to take the oath, and with what ecstacy did I witness thy final consent! Say, wilt thou faithfully keep this voluntary vow?"

—"I certainly will."

—"Then swear it to me, too, Carlos."

—"I swear it by thy heavenly charms! I lay my hand on thy fair bosom, as my most sacred altar, and there pledge myself never to break the obligation."

—"That is not sufficient. Swear now to me, and to the covenant of our loves, that thou wilt devote all thy faculties and powers to the service of the society of thy new brethren."

—"Can I answer for the future, Rosalia? Will it not be enough in some cases, to be