Page:The genius - Carl Grosse tr Joseph Trapp 1796.djvu/80

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a mere passive member? Should I, in the bosom of love, renounce the feelings of humanity of which thou surely approvest?"

—"I don't Carlos exact quite so much. I purely desire thou shouldst find in me a compensation for all others. A thousand women will love thee, but not one of them so fervently as I do. Sacrifice, therefore, all thou possessest to thy indulgent and tender Rosalia?"

—"Say, sweet maid, what have I that can fully gratify thy wishes?"—

—"Nothing at present, my love, but soon thou wilt perhaps have a great deal. Is 'there no female whom thou cherishest more than myself."

—"Positively, none."

—"And no wife?"


—"Didst thou never love thus ardently?"

—"Yes, Rosalia, if not more so. It was Elmira—"

—"I know her," interrupted she with an angry mien.

—"How? Thou knowest her."