Page:The histories of Launceston and Dunheved, in the county of Cornwall.djvu/188

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168 DUNHEVED. & aldermen have covevantyd & bergenyd w* the sayd Nychus Adam, & the sayd Nychus yn lekewyse w fc the sayd mayr & aldermen, yn man & fforme as folowyth, upon makyng off con- duts off water, that ys to saye, that ye sayd Nychus schall ffynde lydde, sauder, & cast, laye, & sande the pypys & systernys off ledde, & evy thyng do that longyth to conduts cosnyng the ledde, havyng off the mayr & aldermen foresayde ffor evy hundreth off lede to the conduts belongyng, sevyn schelyngs : & the sayd Nychus schall have mete & drynck duryng the laying off the lede, to the towne ys coste, or vjs-viiid. And ouer thys the mayre & aldermen schall paye, or cause to be payd, on to the sayd Nychus, att the sealyng off thys Indenture, viij li. off ynglysse mony, and, att the layng off the ledde, the halfe the mony that restys, after the rat, &, att y end off the worke, the hole mony j & thys worke to be fynyshd wtyn a quarter aft that the mayre & alder- men have made the worke aredy ffor hym to laye ; & the sayde mayre & aldermen schall cary the ledde, yff hytt be brougth w fc yn xij mylys off lanston. This covenant to be p'formed evy pty unto other have putt to ther sealys thys p'sent Indenture, berying wytnesse, the dat & yere above wrytyn. [Six seals in black wax are appended, four of them being tolerably perfect. The first (probably that of the Mayor) is a fleur-de-lis ; the second of Tre- carell, similar to his coat of arms, sculptured on the Church of St. Mary Magdalene. The indenture is in duplicate. The Cor- porate seal has been removed from the copy which bore it.] 1512. A Latin rental on paper, quarto size, is of the date 3 Hen. VIII., John Bonaventur being Mayor. On this rental the names, first, of 28 Butchers are entered. Their rents appear to have been paid, as to some, "for a stone," " half a stone," &c, probably stone benches. One is charged for a shop and a " stondyng " before it, and two others are charged each for a " stole " [stall]. The total of the Butchers' rents is £$ 12s. 8d. Following these is a list of tenants, arranged under the initial letter of their Christian names, and not in alphabetical order, with the description and situation of the tenements held by each, thus : Stephen Goldsmylh for a barn in Whyte Lane, 2 s. 8d.; for a little shop under his tenement in Courtenay, 3s. 4d. ; for one