Page:The histories of Launceston and Dunheved, in the county of Cornwall.djvu/189

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ACCOUNTS. 169 piece in Wyndmyll, 2od. ; for parke mille in Hyllond, 2s. Total, 9s. 8d. Stephen Erne for a close near Heygate, &c. ; and, next, another Stephen. Richard Clottvorthy for a close in Blessed Mary, 20s. ; for two others there, 41s. 8d.; for two closes lately S. Trededan's, 13s. 4d. Total, £3 15s. Richard Adam, and 15 other Richards, and Roberts, and a Roger and Ralph succeed. Then come numerous Williams, and more numerous Johns, followed by the series Nicholas, Thomas, &c. The total number of tenants named is 114, besides the butchers, and the occupiers of the " Schamelers' Schoppa." Analyzing the rental for otrier purposes, it discloses that the Corporation were receiving rent in respect of 101 tenements in what was called Blessed Mary, 51 tenements in Pelery, 23 tene- ments in Courtc?iay, 25 tenements in Page, 26 pieces in Hey, 13 pieces in Hillond, 12 pieces in Longland, 23 pieces in Windmill, 9 tenements in Lyon, 4 in Whyte Lane, 2 closes near Carforde, tenements in Southyate Strete, and outside Sowthyate, 6 Lyme Pytts, le But piece, Sturyscomb, (rent, one lb. of pepper) Bom- ham, Drokeham, gardens at the Almyshowse, a shop and chamber in Bocher, and gardens near le Horsepool. The tenements in Blessed Mary appear to have been situated against and east of the Church, next and outside the walls of the town, at and outside Westgate, Comynmede, Whyte Lane, near the Castle gate, at the back and west of the Church, at and outside Southgate, Herparke, Lerkshyll parke called Clompytts, Her Lane, Blyndhole, Hey Strete, within Northgate, Baststret, Basthay, in Castell Strete, Underdoun parke, Mary parke, Kechysham, Hilstech, Gibbe pole parke outside the lymehows, near the Almyshows, and in the King's road. Those in Pelery, outside the walls of the town, and Northgate, near Southgate, near Westgate, Pypery's walls, Chekets walls, in Bast Stret, near the quarry, near the Church, in Blyndhole, Willysworthy, and the Schamelers' Schoppa. Those in Corteni [Courtenay], near Heygate, in Blyndhole, Hendra, Hey, Brandyse parke, near and at Westgate, outside Southgate, the Bekyn parke, in Basthay, le Tynworke, the Schutyng [shooting ?] parke, against the Scher-Hall, near Syperyes will, and near Northgate.