Page:The invasion of the Crimea Vol. 4.djvu/11

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CONTENTS. VU Chapter IF. — continued. II. liemonstnuice on the jiart of the French, Their forbear;U)ce, ..... The choice offered to Lord Raghiii, . His decision, ...... 26th to 29th Sept. The Allies takins,' up their Sebnstopol, ..... Cathcart's operations, .... ' The flank marcli ' sucressfully achieved, This no siifficinf; test of its prudence. Good effect resulting from a temporary concentration of power. 29 30 30 . 32 ground in front of . 32 . 33 . 33 . 34 tration of power. 35 III. General Caurobert, .... The dormant commission entm.sted to him, Marshal St Arnaud's weak state, Interposition of Colonel Trochn, The command handed over to Canrobert, The Marshal's condition, Lord Raglan's last visit to him, Lord Raglan's expression of feeling. The troubles Marshal St Arnaud had occasionc The close of St Arnaud's life, . 35 35 36 37 37 37 37 37

d to Lord Raglan,

38 39 CHAPTEE III. I. Singular absence of interdependence in the plans and move- ments of the hostile armies, ...... 41 Effect of this upon the structure of the narrative, ... 41 Tlic undertaking to defend Sebastopol, ... . . 42 The roadstead of Sebastopol, ....... 42 State of the land defences on the North Side, ... 43 The plateau on the South Side, called the Chersonese, 43 The Man-of-war Ilarlnur, ....... 45