Page:The invasion of the Crimea Vol. 4.djvu/12

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Vlll CONTENTS. Chapter 1 1 .— continued. Position of SeLastopol, . The streets, ..... The Naval Library, Population of the place, . The sea defences, .... The sea-forts, .... The boom, ..... The fleet, Security of the roadstead. And its bearing upon the land defence The ground on the south side of Sebastoj II. 1853 — Sebastopol then open on South Side, A^orks afterwards commenced, Their state on the 3d of February 1854. . On the 14th Sept. 1854, The armament of the works, . III. Strength and disposition of the Russian forces in the Crimea at the time of the landing, ..... Prince Mentschikofi's double command, . The two Vice-Admirals under him. Workmen, ........ Piussian strength in the Crimea on the 14th of Sept., Abundance of warlike stores, ... Immense engineering resources. Ammunition, ...... Store of provisions, ...... 13th Sept. The armada seen from Sebastopol, Measures thereupon takcji, ..... 14th Sept. Sebastoirol apprised that the lan<liiig was going on, Abandonment of any intention of attacking the armada. Men and gnns withdrawn from the fleet, The land defences, ........ Their .state on the 20th Sept., Distribution of authority at Sebastopol after the 18th Sept., Strength of the garrison left in Sebastopol,