Page:The invasion of the Crimea Vol. 4.djvu/13

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CONTENTS. IX CHAPI^EK IV. I. Sebastopol on the day of the Alma, ..... 66 Korniloft"s ride with Todleben towards the field of l)attle, 66 Their meeting with Prince Mentschikoti', .... 68 Prince Mentschikoti's order to Kornilofi', .... 69 KornilofTs reception of the order, ..... .69 Prince Mentschikoti' renouncing the idea of a stand on the K; tcha, 69 And giving instructions to Todleben, ..... 70 The sounds of the hattle at Sebastopol, ..... 70 Bearing of the inhabitants, ....... 71 Prince MentschikofFs return to Sebastopol, .... 71 Wounded soldier}' brought in during the night, ... 71 II. 21st Sept. Council of admirals and naval captains, KornilofTs proposal, ...... Its reception by the council, ..... Captain Zorin's coimter-proposal, .... The grief with which it is heard, .... Loud speaking, ....... Korniloff's order to the members of the council. His altercation with Mentschikoff, Peremptory orders to close the harbour by sinking ship.s Korniloff's fruitless resistance, .... The orders given, ....... 21st Sept. Removal of stores from the North Side, Todleben's report of his survey, . . . . Mentschikoff's reception of the Report, . Continued retreat of his field army, 72 72 75 76 76 77 77 78 78 78 78 79 79 80 80 III. The doomed ships, .... Farther etiort of Kornilotf to save the ships, Its failure, ..... The doomed ships scuttled, Morning of the 23d, The sinking ships, , . . , Ended career of the Black Sea fleet, . 81 ips, , 81 . 81 83 . 83 . 83 . 84