Page:The invasion of the Crimea Vol. 4.djvu/14

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X CONTENTS. Chapter IV. — continued. Fall sustained by a Russian seaman when converted into a land- service man, ..... ... The policy of sinking the ships, ...... CHAPTER V. Prince Mentschikoff's idea of a flank march, . His plan, ........ Its advantages, ....... His pretext for the abandonment of Sebastopol, Korniloff's vain remonstrance against the plan, The condition put forward to justify it, . Preliminary ojieration entrusted to Kiriakofl', . The army marching out of Sebastopol, Prince Mentschikoff and his army on the 25th, The opportunity then offered him, .... Prince Mentschikoff uuacquninted with the movements Allies, ........ Completion of his flank march, .... His state of seclusion on the Katcha, >ftli CHAPTER VI. The vicegerents left in Sebastopol, . General Moller, .... Admiral Nachiuiolf, Vice-Admiral Kornilolf, . Colonel de Todleben, Perfect accord between Kornilolf and Todleber The force exerted by their conjoint powers, II. KornilofT commanding on the North Side, Duties undertaken hy Todh^ben, Forces moved to the North Side. . Strength there on the 25th Sept., .