Page:The invasion of the Crimea Vol. 4.djvu/28

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XXIV CONTENTS. CiiArTER XV. — contunied. His letter to the Home Government, ..... 450 In pro.spect of the apjnoacliing winter, ..... 450 Re-appearance of the enemj-'s field army, .... 451 APPENDIX. Note I. — Extract from a IIemoran(lum of a Conversation held with Sir Edmnnd Lyons, which was made by Mr George Loch (lately Member for Suther- landshire), February 10, 1856, and approved as accurate on the same day by Sir Edmund, . 453 Note IL— Statement (dated 24th Nov 1867) by Sir Edward Wetherall respecting the Flank March, . . 456 Note in. — The Flank March. The Order given to Lord Lucan, ........ 457 Note IV. — Letter Printed in * L'Expedition de Crimea ' of a French Divisional General whose name is not given by M. de Bazan court, . . . .457 Note v.— Extracts from Letters of J^ord Itaglan tending to show his Opinion as to the policy of storming the place at first, ...... 459 Note VI. — Adverse Letters from Sir John Bm'goyne, with some Comments by the Author, . . .461 Note VII. —Extracts showing that in November 1854, both the French and English Engineers came back, after all, to ' enterprise ' as offering the best means of extrication, ..... 481 Note VI 11. — Extract of Keturn to the Admiralty showing the number of men and the (quantity of material landed from the English Fleet to aid the Land Forces in the siege of Sebastopol down to 28th of October, 483 Note IX. — General de Todleben's Explanations of Prince Mentschikoffs Eeasons for his Flank March, 483