Page:The invasion of the Crimea Vol. 4.djvu/29

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CONTENTS. XXV Note X. — Protest of Vice-Admiral Korniloff against Prince Mentschikoffs plan of still kee])ing the army aloof from Sebastopol, ..... 48.5 Note XL— Strength of the Allies on the 17th of October, . 487 Note XII. — Grounds of Statement as to Strength of the Garrison on the 6th and 9th of October 1854, 487 Note XIII.— The French Siege Batteries, 17th of October, . 488 Note XIV. — The English Siege Batteries, 17th of October, 489 Note XV. — Armament of these Russian Batteries which were opposed to the Batteries of the Besiegers on the 17th of October, 490 Note XVI. — Strength and Armament of the three Paissian Sea-fort Batteries which were engaged by the Allied Fleets, 460 Note XVII. Memorandum on the Climate of the Crimea by Mr Cattley, which was sent by Lord Raglan to the Home Government on the 23d of October 1854, 491