Page:The mystic test book.djvu/41

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out the fact that he alluded to the "little book" when he speaks of the "taste" being "sweet as honey."

Looked at from the ordinary point of view, it is absurd to speak of "tasting" a book, but when we understand that the Mystic Brother "tested" it when he "devoured" it, as so many others have done since then, we see the very beautiful manner in which he concealed his language.

The Bible is full of these sealed messages, which can only be read by the initiated.

The word "testament" was taken from this same root, and the Christian regards his new testament as a tester of the truth.

Candid reader, which book has the best right to the name? In my humble opinion the answer is an easy one to give.


Everything that exists, large or small, possesses a number that exactly gives a mathematical expression of the thing itself.

If the constitution of the thing is complex, the number is complex.

If it be simple in constitution, the astral number is simple.


Oxygen has for its number 1030
Hydrogen has for its number 212
Nitrogen has for its number 1969
Carbon has for its number 1050

These numbers are nearly simples, except that the combining force numbers are included.

Water is a compound of hydrogen 2 equations, oxygen