Page:The mystic test book.djvu/42

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one. Its number is 1010, being less even than one of its constituents. This is caused through the suppression of the combining force numbers.

Of course, a general treatment of this branch of the subject is out of place here, as it will require a large book to treat astro-chemistry alone, as it requires.

Not only physical things have these numbers, but abstracts, such as certain dates or periods of time have their expressions in numbers.

Thus we have the nativity numbers, the environment numbers, and the astral numbers of persons.

These numbers are useful in many mathematical calculations in the occult line.

The writer's nativity number is 644699; a very peculiar one, by the way, as will be seen upon close examination.


Every number, however large, has its spirit or occult root, which brings the expression of the number down to certain bounds, within the powers of expression in tables and books.

If the number of the physical is small, the spirit may be much larger than the number.

The spirit numbers may be taken on a high scale and so consist of several figures, but the one used by the Brotherhood of Magic is the one found by means of the number 9, called the Nth root by some.

The spirit root of a number is equal to the Nth root of one-ninth of the number, plus ten times the enumerator of any fraction that may arise from the division of the number by nine.