Page:The mystic test book.djvu/59

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the packs as directed in section 2, is started at an odd minute the one mentioned herein must be on an odd one.

12th. C cuts three times at intervals of ten seconds, just half the time interval used before. If B feels impressed to ask C to shuffle the book before this last triple cut he should inform C; in which case C should take the book entirely up from the table and shuffle it in hand until B gives the time to start the cutting as per section eleven.

You may not think all this care is important; but I assure you that it is. No matter whether you understand why it is or not. The time elements and the triplex cut corresponding to the first or triplex deal of the quadrature are of the greatest value, and a careful observance of these small particulars has been the basis of the writer's success in the occult demonstrations with the Mystic Test Book. I have heard a careless student remark "what is 10 or 15 seconds, that they should amount to anything?" Do you know, friends, how far this ball we live upon has moved in that little time of 15 seconds? It has moved ahead more than two hundred and twenty-five miles in its orbit and has, at the same time, changed its polar angle accordingly, relative to the sun. Its axial rotation at the equator has been about four miles during that little insignificant quarter of a minute. But we are now ready for the next step.


13th. B takes the book in hand and removes the three top cards, without disturbing the order in which they come, and places them in the first or heart quarter of