Page:The negro's origin.djvu/33

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nakedness of his father, and told his two brethren without."

Let us look at the incidents related. Noah had taken too freely of the juice of the grape, and in consequence was drunk. In this condition he made an immodest exhibition of himself. "Et nudatus in tabernaculo suo." Now, what was the action of the children and grandchildren of their aged sire? criminal action? Moses does not even intimate. Ham, desiring to put an end to the reproachful exhibition, loses no time, but hastens to inform his brethren. But why did he not go himself demand his accusers? On the hypothesis that the party cursed, was the one of guilt, his course of proceeding was the most natural in the world. The conduct of Canaan is reported to him, he goes to see for himself, and his worst fears are more than realized. Having informed Shem and Japheth of the affair, he himself gives his attention to his irreverent son, while his brothers, assured of their father's nudity, go backward and cover him with a mantle.

If one will divest himself of prejudice, no blame can possibly be attached to Ham, by reason of what is declared in this verse. Must not the condition of the father come to