Page:The negro's origin.djvu/34

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the ears of the sons by some one? and must the bare fact of revealing the state of his father, incur guilt? If so, wo be to the angel messengers who carry back to Heaven the moral state of the world; for the world lies naked before God.

But Ham was not blessed as was Shem and Japheth, cries another accuser. Be it so. But he was not cursed; neither was the blessing he received in common with his two brothers annulled. In gratitude to Shem and Japheth, their blessings are increased, but nothing is taken from Ham. Extra gifts do not detract from those given in common. Shem and Japheth were rewarded for a thoughtfulness and modesty, which Ham in the height of his indignation against Canaan neglected to make manifest. Very like indeed is his conduct to that of Moses at Meribah. Both manifested too much passion. But even in ascribing passion to Ham, it is to be taken for granted that he was satisfactorily made to know his father's condition, which can never be done. For ought to the contrary some of the children may have made complaint against Canaan, and like most parents it was not fully credited by his father till he saw for himself.