Page:The part taken by women in American history.djvu/821

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Part Taken by Women in American History

in "Men and Women." Her greatest success has been Zangwill's plays, "Merely Mary Ann," and later she added to this by her performance in "The Dawn of a To-morrow." On February 12, 1910, she married August Belmont.


Was born in Memphis, Tennessee, March 4, 1886. Her mother was on the stage for many years, and now conducts the Tabor School of Acting in Denver, Colorado. Augustin Daly discovered Miss Fealey. He made a five years' engagement with her. She played as leading lady with William Gillette for many years. While in England with this company, E. S. Willard made an engagement with her and she played in his company for some time. She has played with R. N. Johnson, but the most important engagement of her career was as leading lady with Sir Henry Irving, playing the roles formerly taken by Ellen Terry. In 1907 Miss Fealey married Louis E. Sherwin, dramatic critic of the Denver Republican.


Was born in Detroit, February 18, 1870. Has played in one of Frohman's companies in the Lyceum Theatre, the Garden Theatre, Madison Square, and several of the leading New York companies. In 1897 she married M. D. McGuire, a prominent New Yorker and retired from the stage temporarily.


Was born in May, 1887, in New York City. Entered upon her stage career when a mere child. Has played in various well-known companies, and created the role of Lovey Mary in "Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch." Miss Taliaferro married F. W. Thompson, a theatrical manager, in October, 1906, and has since starred in her own company.


Miss Corinne Kimball was born in 1873 in Boston, Massachusetts. She was well known by her stage name of "Corinne." She was the daughter of Mrs. Jennie Kimball, who was herself an actress and theatrical manager. Her first appearance on the stage was at a baby show held in Horticultural Hall, in Boston. She met with success, and exhibiting marked talent she obtained an engagement in light opera, singing in the "Mascot," "Olivet," "The Chimes of Normandy" and "The Mikado.


Mrs. Jennie Kimball was born in New Orleans, Louisiana, on the 23rd of June, 1851. She appeared first at the Boston Theatre in 1865. After the success