Page:The poetical works of Leigh Hunt, containing many pieces now first collected 1849.djvu/131

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For the gods love the pleasure you take, 'tis so hearty,
In all sorts of characters, careless of party."

And now came Miss Hamilton. Phœbus presented
A look to her curtsey so little contented,
It seem'd less for poetess fit than for beldam!
In fact, she provok'd him by writing so seldom.

Mrs. Hoffland he tenderly welcom'd and styled
"Good motherly soul;" and benignantly smiled
On the close cap of Howit. "These Muse Quakeresses
Are Noes (he said) turn'd to the sweetest of Yesses.

Lo! Jameson accomplish'd; and Lamb, the fine brain,
(News of Charles in Elysium brought balm to its pain);
And Landon, whose grief is so dulcet a treasure,
We'd weep to oblige her, but can't for the pleasure.

"Ah! welcome home, Martineau, turning statistics
To stories, and puzzling your philogamystics!
I own I can't see, any more than dame Nature,
Why love should await dear good Harriet's dictature!
But great is earth's want of some love-legislature.

"And, Mitford, all hail! with a head that for green
From your glad village crowners can hardly be seen."
And with that he shone on it, and set us all blinking;
And yet at her kind heart sat tragedy, thinking.
Then Montagu,—Eleanora Louisa!
Was ever name finer 'twixt Naples and Pisa?
But not in name only the lady hath merit;
Her thoughts have an eye, and the right inward spirit.

And dear Lady Morgan! Look, look how she comes.
With her pulses all beating for freedom, like drums,—