Page:The problem of China - Russell 1922.pdf/259

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  • Chita, 146, 154
  • Choshu, 99, 101, 102, 106
  • Chou dynasty, 22
  • Christianity in Japan, 92 ff.
  • Chuang Tze, 8, 82, 188, 192
  • Chu Fu Tze, 43
  • Chu Hsi, 46
  • Civilization
    • alphabetical, 37
    • Chinese, 187 ff.
    • European, 186
  • Coal in China, 132 n., 231 ff.
  • Coleman, 77 n., 110, 132 n., 133 n.
  • Colour prejudice, 168, 173
    • and labour, 181 ff.
  • Confucius, 21, 22, 24, 38, 187, 208
  • Confucianism, 34, 38 ff., 190
    • in Japan, 118
  • Consortium, 14, 163 ff., 179, 244
  • Corclier, Henri, 24 n., 25, 27 n., 28, 30 n., 31 n., 187 n.
  • Cotton, 76, 235
    • industry in Osaka, 114
  • Customs—
    • Chinese, 55 ff.,
    • on exports, 56
    • internal, 56–7
  • Dairen, 123
    • Conference at, 154 ff.
  • Denison, 129
  • Dewey, Professor, 69, 224
    • Mrs., 224
  • Diet, Japanese, 109
  • Dutch in Japan, 94
  • Education, 44 ff., 76 ff., 193, 214–225, 247 ff.
    • statistics of, 215
    • classical, 215–7
    • European and American, 217–21
    • modern Chinese, 221 ff.
    • of women, 223–4
  • Efficiency, creed of, 17
  • "Eight Legs," 45, 46
  • Emperor of China 22 ff, 39, 83, 88, 205
    • "First," 24 ff.
  • Empress Dowager, 52 n.
  • Examination, competitive, 34, 44 ff, 76
  • "Face," 204
  • Famines in China, 72, 210
  • Far Eastern Republic, 146, 154
  • Federalism in China, 70, 244
  • Feudalism—
    • in China, 24, 26
    • in Japan, 89 ff.
  • Filial Piety, 39 ff., 61
    • and patriotism, 41
    • in Japan, 118, 169
  • Foreign Trade statistics, 236–7
  • Forestry, 80
  • Fourteen Points, 53
  • France, 52, 53, 123
    • and Shantung, 137–8
    • and Japan, 157
  • Fukien, 132
  • Galileo, 186
  • Genoa Conference, 146
  • Genro, the, 91, 106, 128
  • George III, 49
  • Germany, 30, 53, 109, 136, 172
    • property in China during war, 141 ff.
  • Giles, Professor, 23, 39, 43 n., 49 n., 187 n.
  • Gladstone, 157, 160
  • Gleason, 132 n., 134
  • Gobi desert, 31
  • Gompers, 163
  • Great Britain—
    • and China, 52 ff.
    • and Shantung, 137
  • Great Wall, 24
  • Greeks, 186
  • Guam, 150
  • Han dynasty, 27
  • Hanyehping Co., 132 n., 232–3
  • Hart, Sir Robert, 57
  • Hayashi, 133 n.
  • Hearn, Lafcadio, 99
  • Heaven (in Chinese religion), 23, 43
    • Temple of, 23, 24
  • Hideyoshi, 87, 93, 94
  • Hirth, 22 n., 23 n., 27 n.